Friday, May 4, 2007

Pink Tinged Mucus At Time Of Period

Warning: Some debates recorded at Radio Radical are still committed to digitization. If the link does not work to update a single intervention in Real Player or move the cursor following the indication of minutes.

- Milan story of a peaceful regime
Highway! Free all night against authoritarianism "organized under the PRC Communist Party
MILAN, July 25, 1992
Speakers: Cossutta, Losurdo, Male, Gay
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to all debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- Europa
International conference in honor of Egon Alfred Klepsch President of the European Parliament organized by the Region Campania and the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies under the auspices of the European Parliament
Naples, September 9, 1993
by: Radical Radio
The Radical Radio page with links to the whole debate debate is not yet digitized
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- The battle of ideas. Social subjects and culture
Org. in the National Day of Liberation on culture and information
VENICE, September 12, 1993
Speakers: Losurdo, Magri, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBertinotti
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate debate is not yet digitized
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- "a common force for a left alternative"
II National Congress of the Communist Party of the PRC
ROME, January 21, 1994
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- Interpretation of the war . Policies for Peace
Seminar organized by the Association of State Reform at the Centre Hall Library CNEL headquarters in Viale David Lubin, 2
Rome, May 31, 1999
Participants: Losurdo, Bertinotti, Saved, Ingrao, Reichlin, and others.
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- The political use of history: history of lying, shared history, revisionism, anti-revisionist
conference sponsored by the Study Center Press Roman "Francesco De Sanctis" and the Province of Rome
Rome, 29-31 May 1999, Jubilee Hall Print Center
Speakers: Losurdo, Nolte, Perfetti, Galasso, Accame and others.
by: Radical Radio
First day debate is not Yet digitized
The Radical Radio page with links to the whole debate
Second day
The Radical Radio page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- counterstory of Liberalism
Presentation of the book by Domenico Losurdo (Edizioni Laterza)
Bologna, December 14, 2005
Plan: Circle of the University of Bologna Communist Party of the PRC
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate

- The future of the younger generation: what to do?
Naples, July 7, 2006
Plan: Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies and Feltrinelli in the training course in history and problems of political thought entitled: "The Friday of the policy"
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- Nazism racisme Colonialism
Ecole Normale Superieure-Paris-Semaine de l'Histoire - "Pensees de l'histoire dans l'actualite '" -8 mars 2007-Extract
Part One Part Two

- Heidegger et le Nazism

Ecole Normale Superieure-Paris-Semaine de l'Histoire - "Pensees de l'histoire dans l'actualite '" -8 mars 2007
The video

- The Western democracies and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine
Turin, May 6, 2008
Organisation: International Solidarity Movement
Speakers : Dahmash, Losurdo, Frankel, Carminati, Zucchet
Radio Radical Radio Radical The page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo

- Clash of Civilizations or Meeting of cultures ? The Olympics in Beijing, China and the West
Naples, May 10, 2008
Organised by: Society of Political Studies
Speakers: Losurdo, Vattimo, Camphor, Marotta, Polichetti, Fleury, Fava
by: Radical Radio Radio
Radiacale The page with links to the whole debate
intervention by Domenico Losurdo
responses during Losurdo and Vattimo debate

- "Liberalism, neo-liberalism and democracy in international relations"
NO G8 counter-summit, Lecce, June 9-10-11-12
June 19, 2009
Part Two Part Three

- Speech by Domenico Losurdo the debate on Afghanistan's Anti-Imperialist Camp
FLORENCE, Saturday, October 31, 10:00 am, Hall of rail dopolavoro S. Maria Novella (Via Alamanni 4)
Speakers: Abdullah A. Salah (Afghanistan), Franco Cardini, Domenico Losurdo, Massimo Fini, Fernando Rossi, Leonardo Mazzei. Introduced Moreno Pasquinelli
Audio Only , Domenico Losurdo's intervention is preceded by that of Massimo Fini

- Speech by Domenico Losurdo the presentation of the Association MARX XXI
Rome, December 19, 2009

- Presentation of Stalin. History and criticism of a black legend
Meetings debate:
Domenico Losurdo, Professor of the History of Philosophy, University of Urbino; \u200b\u200b
Aldo Bernardini, Professor of International Law University of Teramo.
TOLENTINO - nerpio ROOM, Friday, February 5, 2010

Video - Interview on Stalin Sabrina Faller Domenico Losurdo for transmission "leaflets" of the Swiss Italian Radio and Television, insert 24 February 2010, 18:00

- Emiliano Alessandroni interview Domenico Losurdo on non-violence
Monte Colburn, April 2, 2010

Idealism and materialism in the thinking of Hegel and Marx
Report Domenico Losurdo at the international conference "The thought of Hegel in the Age of Globalization", University of Urbino, 3-5 June 2010.

video Part One Part Two

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
2010-2011 (année en cours)
2008-2009 2007-2008


Interview with Domenico Losurdo. The language of empire: the lexicon of the American ideology
Micaela Latin, from

- Interview on counterstory of liberalism (by
- Interview on Nietzsche (from
- The debate on Nietzsche, the aristocratic rebel (from

- What is right, cos' is the left. Interview with Domenico Losurdo William Califano, Guido Frilli, Bruno Settis, Florence, October 31, 2009. Edited by Stephen G. Azzarà


- Let's modern read Losurdo (Recensione di Valere has Staraselski D. Losurdo, Gramsci. From Liberalism to "critical communism" , Syllepse, 2007: dalla rivista telematica "Vendemiaire", No. 24)

- The history, revolutions, liberalism. Minutes of the meeting with Domenico Losurdo (Festival of Humanity, summer 2007)