Monday, December 27, 2010

How Do You Restart Vuze


Lady Marisa sottozzero Went with these would really need of a rytemprante massaggyo, but my osteopath to fyducia Galardini Lori ™ claims that this is not the kind of serwizi for me.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gallbladder And Yogurt


VARESE A land of real lessons of painting!
a "student" at a time so that there is no confusion, and he knows everything better!

the beauty is that you decide how many lessons do and when!
if you want to make it a week or 2 to 5 weeks ... it's your choice!
give the "homework" to do to make you exercise in things I consider most important or where you have more gaps!
you also can decide the issue of class!

you can choose to have up to 5 hours straight the day of class, not more.

to know the exact location of the lessons in order to know the cost and we agree ... CONTACT ME!!

you must bring your brushes, colors and thumbnails for your lesson!

for all questions, concerns, doubts ... I'm here!

greetings! =)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pectus Excavatum College Scholarships

Beccogiallo Party!

The nice library of Ivrea The gallery of the book, organized and hosted by next Thursday, the Yellow Beak Book Party, to celebrate the glory (meaning both the fifth birthday as prestige) of Venetian publishing house. There will be (and happy to meet you), as well as publishers, authors fringe Piedmont Yellow-billed: Matteo Fenoglio (the author of Piazza Fontana), Marco and Peroni Riccardo Cecchetti (authors Gigi Meroni, the rebel grenade ) and signed.
19 hours Thursday, November 25 - Piazza Santa Marta - Ivrea
E. .. to follow tasting of red wines from Piedmont!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Remove Phlegm In Baby


Great Rassennia StaNpa Mrs Marisa.
Even today, a gYallo.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Women Athletes Camel Toes

library is

Moby Prince, the night of the fire is library! and if you will on
was set up a page with various news, previews, notices of meetings and presentations, where you can also buy it on-line with the 10% discount

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chevy Silverado On 24s P

Batmat vs Vivaldo

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Calories In Chinese Chicken Curry Withrice


this is the diorama that I presented last gd (2010).
the skit was entirely carved by Carmine Giuliano ("Thor") except for the addition of details based on gw! I painted everything, Silver GD ITA 2010.

What To Wear With Snakeskin Boots



Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Me Eyes Are Different Sizes


I wrote and I drew. 150 pages of comics and 50 and amplification. I worked for two years and is now in print, will be released in early November.
For those who do not know, something for those who remember, for those who thought she had gone in another way: the terrible, cruel truth of the tragedy of the Moby Prince.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Heart Boobies Bracelets Make Your Own

Lovecraft Black & White

here that start talking about Lucca.
premiered at Lucca Comics you will find this artbook dedicated to Lovecraft and his mythos in the interpretation of many talented cartoonists and illustrators including Italian, humbly, I find myself with a place my homage to the haunted house story (of I had spoken in a post about a year ago, and you can see here ).
to learn more about the project and get fresh news about the editors, the authors involved and where / how to find the book, I invite you to keep an eye on the blog Lovecraft Black & White ( HERE )

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yeast Infections And Implantation Bleeding


Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Many Calories In A Stir Fry Vegetables


a panel from the comic book that I'm finishing this day and which I will tell you shortly.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Samples Of Beauty Therapy Cover Letters


Lady Marisa, repeatedly attacked by the withdrawal of penzion anonimy waterproof, praised the attempt to limit the Sicilian esibyzionysmo.

How Do U Get The Insole Of A Shoe Out

Fawole Livorno

to her friends grandmothers, aunts and sbinonne, Lady Marisa labronica recommended literature of the past, with the characters that education et nonchalant they were always there gradyti.

It ringrasia the corresponding Evropa Calabria from the north to the bibliography.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Couples Theater Orange County

new stories, new characters

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Mount Sims 3 On Mac

E 'in the library! (2)

In Libreria Mondadori di Orvieto, the train, along with the likes of Lucas, Camilleri, Pennacchi, etc ... is on the list of 10 books sold of the week.
We are in seventh place (and the moon ...), Fabio Volo fourth, but you can not have everything ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Much To Fix Gash And Broken Bumper


the youngest Secretary of Defense (1966), the youngest Minister of the Interior (1976), the youngest president of the senate (1983), the youngest president of the republic (1985) ... here are some things you just talk about this young man:

- 1977. In Bologna, during the violent clashes between university students and police, was killed Pierfrancesco Lorusso, an activist of Lotta Continua. During the protests that have broken due to this fact, Francesco Cossiga, former president of the Interior, responds by sending armored vehicles in the university area. Following the ban on street protests, which continued throughout Italy ..
In Rome, back from a sit-in feminist shot and died in the fire, in circumstances still unclear, the nineteen year old Georgiana Masi. In many suspect that the crime occurred in retaliation (because of injury, two hours before a police officer). Masi Georgiana became a symbol of struggle, feminist university. At the same time, are launched repeated accusations against the police, which mischierebbero undercover agents among the demonstrators armed with the task of generating chaos and violence. Cossiga does not resign, on the walls his name is spelled with a "K" as the initial and the double hook them to remember the methods of the Nazi police.
- 2007. Thirty years later, in an interview, Francesco Cossiga hereby be one of five people know the name of the murderer of Georgiana Masi.

- 1978. In the first months of the year, Francesco Cossiga, with special powers is intended to completely revolutionize intelligence, melting and recasting with urgency and creating many moods, in March when the Red Brigades kidnap Mr Aldo Moro. Cossiga creates two committees of the crisis, many of the components of which are then entered in P2 (the same high school Gelli is part of it). Speakers also an American specialist, who, having regard to the suspected leaks, starts to reduce the number of participants in the meetings, but eventually it just him and Cossiga, but will have to say that "the damage continues unabated," continuing to get information to the kidnappers. Cossiga after not dispelling these statements, but will speak only of "bad taste".
does not open any negotiations with the kidnappers and after finding the body of Aldo Moro, Cossiga resigned from the post of interior minister.

- 1979 - Francesco Cossiga is chairman of the board, although the term will only last until autumn next year. During this time, someone will alert the Christian Democrat Senator Donat Cattin that his son is being investigated on charges of being involved in terrorist incidents and recommend leave the country to do so. The Communist Party indicates the former Interior Minister, Francesco Cossiga, as author of the rumors and the court of Turin opened an investigation. Cossiga, outraged, threatened to resign and parliament apologizes, believing false and defamatory allegations of aiding and disclosure of official records. At its plenary session voted for the dismissal of the case.
-2007 - More than 20 years after the fact, when all charges are now barred, Francesco Cossiga , admits in an interview that he was indeed Deep Throat.

-1980 - summer of his presidency of the council, a DC9, a passenger plane departed from Bologna and directed in Palermo, exploded in the Italian skies and sinks into the sea between the islands of Ponza and Ustica, killing 81 people. Francesco Cossiga and his government are convinced from the very first moments: a bomb on board is the cause of the accident. That does not talk about missiles or involvement by the Italian armed forces or allies.
-2007 - Nearly 30 years after the accident airplane, Francesco Cossiga said in an interview "can not say, even knowing this, what is the ally of that country, pointing to hurt a missile struck the DC9" .
2008 - One year later, we were interviewed about Ustica , Francesco Cossiga reveals the name ally of the country, "the French knew that that night would have passed the plane of Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, but was saved because it learned from our secret services and decided to go back" .

-1980 - In the same summer, about a month after the disaster of Ustica, a bomb at Bologna railway station causing 85 dead and 200 wounded. Francesco Cossiga and his government, initially attributed the killing to a fortuitous event (the explosion of a boiler), but soon become clearer, the dynamics of what, for them is revealed the idea that this is a matrix of neo-Fascist bomb.
processes have been concluded with the arrest of the alleged perpetrators materials, but no one knows anything of the principals. High School Gelli, master of P2, will be sentenced for screening.
-1991 - during his Presidency of the Republic, Francesco Cossiga , will declare about the bomb in Bologna for having the "wrong" in 1980 to define "fascist" the massacre at the station and that he was "ill indicated "by the secret services.
In the following years (2004), Cossiga, will be back on this and will add as the massacre is not attributable to the black terrorism, but an "accident" by Palestinian resistance groups operating in Italy ...

-1990 - In a hiding place inside a apartment, the former lair of the Red Brigades, is found in fortuitously, the second part of the memorial of Aldo Moro. In those writings we speak of a secret organization and which includes government officials and military leaders, which has existed since the end of World War II, which aims to preserve and maintain a certain social-political order and making of weapons and a secret army to be activated in case of need. This is Gladio.
for the government (then headed by Andreotti) is a shock that led to the crisis.
Francesco Cossiga , will never come when any process will be asked for explanations on this and other topics. Continue However, to be interviewed and statements that emphasize that Gladio is a "legitimate thing, even a duty."

dedicategli not a square, please ...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can Bamboo Stop Bullets

a roar that continues to reverberate thirty

August 2 That was not an ordinary day. It was a Saturday and it was summer, families who were leaving for the holidays, workers who returned a few weeks from loved ones in the south, after a year to work at great sacrifice ... It is a date chosen with the intention of making scientific and planned more deaths possible . (Paolo Bolognesi)

Paolo Bolognesi, as well as a novelist, is the president of the association of victims of the massacre Bologna station in 1980. His words, riprtate beginning of this post is taken from his speech interview hosted on the appendix to comic The train, which I have already spoken, in the post prececenti.

important event: on Thursday, on sale, along with the Corriere della Sera (with 50 cents more) will have a special issue of the magazine "SEVEN" comic book and everything (in good company, along with to masters like Hugo Pratt and Craig Thompson) there will be 10 pages from The train ...
... in large size.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Care For Slate Tabe Top

E 'in the library!

€ 15 - in all libraries - Books RIZZOLI-LIZARD

Friday, July 2, 2010

Schwarzkopf Where Can I Buy It


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Left Side Pituitary Enlarged

summer and he could only cry

So Ustica be returned to the general's honor.
at all, and without much distinction.
Sure, you could talk to requirements and lack of evidence of crimes
declassified, whatever. Read the sentence a bit 'of
sideways, to catch some shade perhaps not exactly uplifting,
some stain on the bottom of the sentence that even high-speed
of this appeal process has been able to wash.
But what remains in the end?
Twenty-five years of investigations and two trials tell us something?
We are told that if false leads, omissions, and lies there were deviations,
is not to them - at the top of the state
Italian Air Force in 1980 - that we need to account. There is not a high
official who has missed a comma. Let alone down the chute
the organizational hierarchy.
at this point, what to expect family members of those eighty dead? Mica
him must go the Court of Assizes, the address of the door
just to help you get a response. What matters now is to know really
in this story that the institutions have worked to
their best.
in efficiency, honesty, transparency in. everyone has done their homework,
national sovereignty is respected.
For once we can say that this country does not look at anyone and can look in the mirror
head on. Enough to be proud of.
Of course, when the DC-9 Itavia exploded in the sky of Ustica, was the Air Force Military
to manage the Italian airspace. People in uniform, trained. Mica
any civilian controllers. Sure, it seemed logical that it was just
Military Aeronautics at having to tell the truth.
without embarrassment and without "do not memory. " Sure, they could be our allies
to explain all of whom were ghost hunting in flight that night. He is left to cry Prinon

andrea Purgatori
136 137
but, during and after the massacre. Sure, there were no radar at Palazzo Chigi. Nor
al Quirinale. Sure, some jokes will be unfortunate passing.
few pages of the register will have been cut (and unreported) as
used at school, with the blade. Some records will be gone missing. Some
tape destroyed. Someone will have been intimidated,
someone else will be dead. the rate of heart attacks and suicides is increasing in Italy, which
you can do? Of course has been a bomb and a missile to bring down the plane
. Who should resent mass? Mah But why? Boh.
happen a lot of strange and unexplained things in the world. in Italy,
a bit 'more. But for this you can not mount a campaign of suspicion.
if nothing is nothing, the result is zero. It was already clear five years ago,
or not?
They say to know more about this massacre would take
the political will to move to the point. It would take a government capable of knocking
the tent of Colonel Gaddafi, the door of the White House to the Elysée
. They say that Colonel Qaddafi has admitted
Libyan state television of all responsibility for attacks on the Jumbo
Panam Lockerbie and the DC-10 Uta
in the sky of Chad. They also say that for Ustica has repeated that he had nothing to do
nothing. Indeed, the Libyans were victims of the massacre that night
much as the passengers of the DC-9 Itavia (by the way, the ambassador to Tripoli
's got a TV?). But Palazzo Chigi
no one has ever asked to repeat it to an Italian magistrate. And
explain everything else he knows.
say that Italy has played a crucial role in negotiating
has allowed the Colonel to leave the long embargo imposed by the community for terrorism
International. With so many compliments from
Washington and Paris. And then on
Ustica? Who will do it to him the first question?
or someone is afraid that we cut in retaliation for oil and gas, with all the trouble that would lead
on the level of
mocha on the stove for coffee in the morning?
if they say a lot about Ustica. But it would be time to stop
bother with this history of the aircraft shot down.
only one last thing.
listened to the process that returned the honor of the generals.
The sentence of a man "in my life I made one mistake: they are not
boarded the plane. I wanted to die too, with my children. was hard
continue to live. "
What I will say now to this man?
Come on, it was fine ...

(this is an article by Andrea Purgatori Unit published on 16 December 2006 and brought together with other interventions in COSD the recent reissue of Ustica, War scenarios, screenplay by Leonora Sartori, drawings by Andrea Vivaldo, a project curated by Fabrizio Colarieti Editions Beccogiallo.)

are now 30 years since the DC9 left from Bologna to Palermo and has descended into the sea between the islands of Ponza and Ustica bringing with it 81 lives.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maltitol Whilst Pregnant

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Women Playing With Themselves In The Bath

gulls and then ... TRAIN

Ok that's it. Train , comics that I drew on texts by Andrea Laprovitera , after a long and difficult journey, arrived at their destination and then it is appropriate to speak a bit 'more specifically:

in recent months there had already showed some food, some stickers and some study taken here and there, but I was not yet gone into the specifics of work. Therefore, it is a cartoon that I would describe docudrama , where the fictional characters (but possible) take part, by living sometimes in first person, events of recent Italian history so that, by telling their vicissitudes we can talk and go over some important collective moments. The first time, and so the first of two locations de The Rail, is the student protest of 1968, particularly in Rome with the occupation of the University La Sapienza . For the second time, however, must take a leap into the future ten years or so and get to 1980, August 2 in Bologna, when a bomb planted at the station kills 85 people and wounding 200.
not say more, at least for now. Only three things on the fly:
-the book also contains an interesting interview with Paolo Bolognesi (writer and president of the relatives of victims of the massacre at Bologna);
-l ' output is expected around mid-July;
-l' publisher who believed in this project and wanted to produce it is rizzoli-lizard