Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Women Playing With Themselves In The Bath

gulls and then ... TRAIN

Ok that's it. Train , comics that I drew on texts by Andrea Laprovitera , after a long and difficult journey, arrived at their destination and then it is appropriate to speak a bit 'more specifically:

in recent months there had already showed some food, some stickers and some study taken here and there, but I was not yet gone into the specifics of work. Therefore, it is a cartoon that I would describe docudrama , where the fictional characters (but possible) take part, by living sometimes in first person, events of recent Italian history so that, by telling their vicissitudes we can talk and go over some important collective moments. The first time, and so the first of two locations de The Rail, is the student protest of 1968, particularly in Rome with the occupation of the University La Sapienza . For the second time, however, must take a leap into the future ten years or so and get to 1980, August 2 in Bologna, when a bomb planted at the station kills 85 people and wounding 200.
not say more, at least for now. Only three things on the fly:
-the book also contains an interesting interview with Paolo Bolognesi (writer and president of the relatives of victims of the massacre at Bologna);
-l ' output is expected around mid-July;
-l' publisher who believed in this project and wanted to produce it is rizzoli-lizard


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